Welcome to Norman Field’s web-site.
This is my ‘general hobby site’, & consists of six sections, as in the header. Click on a heading, and a choice of one or more further pages will appear. These carry articles, images & my interminable ramblings about this and that. I give you friendly warning: do not enter these almost-entirely retro pages if you have a low boredom threshold. 8^)
Q. Who (and why) is Norman Field?
A. Born in 1944, he is a retired jazz musician (in the older styles) who likes all sorts of things, and keeps rattling on about them ad nauseam. He lives in Birmingham, England, and has a son, a daughter and three grand-daughters. As to ‘why’, I’m sorry, I have no idea. 8^)
For early British 78 rpm record labels 1898 – ca. 1926,
please click this link to my other website: www.early78s.uk